3. POSTPONED GAMES: Postponed matches, for any reason, must be agreed to by both captains. All games must be played as soon as practical. Playing of postponed games have precedence over any practice session. A scheduled match conflicting with ASA sanctioned tournaments due to entries in tournament must be rescheduled rather than forfeited. If less than six persons from a team report to a league game, the game must be rescheduled. Only games played should be counted. At the same time if you have enough players, you must report to play. In the event that three or more games have to be postponed by one team, that team will be withdrawn from the league and none of their games will count. The district president can make an exception to this rule in special cases.
4. WAX APPLICATION: Home team is responsible for proper preparation of courts prior to each game. Do not request wax after you finish your frame. Wait until you are ready to begin your next frame. Waxing in accordance with ASA rules.
5. PLAY: One round of practice shots, which will consist of four discs at the beginning of each league game. In case of termination of play due to weather, the score of a completed frame or half frame must be recorded and when play is resumed, it will begin at the beginning of the frame or half frame. If a frame or half frame is not completed, it shall be played over. If tied after 8 frames, the two tied opponents receive 0.5 points each.
A. A minimum of 1 referee and 1 scorekeeper are required for each of two boards played during each of the 3 sessions of a match. The home team and the visiting team shall alternate this responsibility throughout the match. This procedure may be altered if agreed to by captains of both teams.
B. Prior to start of game, introduce yourself to players and explain that NO WARNINGS ARE TO BE GIVEN AND THAT ALL ASA RULES WILL APPLY. Bring to the player’s attention some common etiquette such as: Remain seated until order to play is given, stand back out of way with cue in vertical position when opponent is shooting and don't shoot until referee has signaled. Players are entitled to look at close discs on request and are entitled to appeal any decision the official makes. Seated players may stop discs to prevent rebounding. They may also pull discs in from adjoining courts where players stand as long as they remain seated.
C. During practice rounds, official on receiving end will remove any disc requested by the player shooting. When first player completes round, all discs must be removed from the playing area before second player starts practice round.
D. During game, official shall refrain from volunteering any reference to score. It is the player’s privilege to request the score at any time. The official must then comply.
E. During game, official shall not ask players if wax is OK. The official must comply with player’s request for wax according to rules governing event being played.
F. When frame is completed, official shall signal whether 8th disc (hammer shot) is good or no good, and THEN call out the score, calling yellow first, for instance, “board 2, 7 yellow, 7 black”. Then the scorekeeper shall repeat aloud “board 2, 7 yellow, 7 black”. If there is no score, official shall call out “board 2, no score”. If only one color scores, official only needs to call that score. As soon as scorekeeper has repeated score, official shall call “play”. Official shall not touch any disc. Players shall gather their discs.
While players are gathering their discs, official shall observe scoreboard. If an error occurs in the posting of the score and it is discovered before the next half frame is completed, the error must be corrected. Otherwise the score posted must stand except when both players agree to the correction. If no discrepancy is noted play will continue in a normal manner.
G. When a violation occurs, call the amount of the penalty immediately, then make sure score is adjusted at the end of the frame. If your decision is to be questioned, the player involved must appeal your decision. When an appeal is made, the two captains are called. If captains do not agree, the original official’s call stands. A referee cannot call a penalty if he/she does not see it. All disputes not resolved by the captains may be referred to the league president for decision. Appeals from the decision of the league president may be referred to an appeals committee composed of the District 2 president and two appointees. Their decision will be final.
H. In checking a close disc, be sure you look over disc from back side and straight down. A player may ask to see disc and contest your call. Each player and his opponent, not the players at opposite end of the court, are entitled to appeal any decision made by the official on call of the disc. The official must call the disc good or no good. When appeal is made, i.e., a player disagrees with the official, the decision must go to the captains of the teams. If they disagree, the original call of the official stands. Unless it is impossible to get a referee, captains should not referee a league game. Captain must appoint an acting captain for appeals if he referees. A referee may not change his call later in the frame unless the disc involved has been touched by another disc.
I. All ASA rules are applicable to league play except that in league play the captains will assume responsibility for tournament director and head referee. References to “doubles and lagging” are not applicable.
7. SCHEDULING: Schedules are set up for teams playing on Fridays at 9:00 AM. However, if a team desires to play on a different day or different time, that team may make arrangements with the opposing team to do so. Teams must have completed their playing schedule by the regularly scheduled end of season. Do not let matches not played accumulate. There will be NO forfeits. All games must be played. Only games played may be counted as wins or losses.
8. LEAGUE WINNERS: The league team with the best total won-lost record during regular season league play is declared the league winner. Unless one or more teams withdraw or are removed during the season, each team in a league will play every other league member twice, one match at home and one match away, and all matches count in the total won-loss record. A first place tie at the end of regular season play will be broken by comparisons of only head-to-head wins and losses among the tied teams. If 2 teams are still tied after this comparison, a play-off between the 2 teams will determine the league winner. The format will be the same as a regular season match except that 11, not 12, games will be played on 2 neutral boards in a neutral park. In the 3rd session, the foot of the higher numbered board will not be played. A coin flip will determine the home team. The 2 captains must reach prior agreement with respect to match location, time, dates and boards to be played. The District 2 president will decide these matters if agreement cannot be reached.
9. TROPHIES: A traveling team trophy and 8 individual trophies are furnished by ASA District 2 for the champion team in each league. Extra individual trophies are the responsibility of each winning team. Pres. District II should be contacted prior to the drawing for post-season play-offs for additional individual trophies.
10. DISTRICT 2 TEAM CHAMPION PLAYOFFS: The teams winning each league will
compete in round-robin competitions in one of two separate categories—the A Division, whose winner represents District II in the State League Team Championship and if unable to go, the runner-up team goes to state. The A and B Division winners each receive a traveling trophy and 8 individual trophies. The A Division winner also receives individual patches for all team members indicating District II Champions. If a league winner can not participate, the 2nd place replaces, and if they cannot participate, the 3rd place team replaces, etc. such that every league is represented in the two-division playoffs.
A. The tournament schedule will reflect no more than two sessions per day (assuming no play-off of first place ties). If any team does not show or forfeits any scheduled game, tournament results will be revised to indicate the team in question forfeits all scheduled games, whether already completed or not.
B. A drawing will be held prior to the start of the tournaments. All captains will draw for pairing bracket numbers on an equal basis. Pairing and playing schedules will then be posted for all to see. Captains will submit line-ups to the tournament director prior to each game.
C. All matches will be played on neutral courts. "Neutral" means they are not the home boards played in league play of either team in the match. If teams are put back on a board they previously played, a team member may not play the same position on the same board.
D. The A and B Division tournaments shall follow the prevailing state team playoff format, procedures, and rules on play and player rotation and eligibility except for the following modifications:
1) B Division games are 12-frame matches and Captains do not have to follow the
state-specified rules on player rotation, i. e., they can play whoever they want for
any session. The type of round robin depends on the number of competing teams
as follows: 2-double round robin and 3 or more-single round robin.
2) The A Division shall play the following type of round-robin tournament depending
on number of teams competing: 2-quadruple round robin, 3 or more-double round
3) First-place ties in either the A or B Division that are not resolved by results of
head-on-head games are resolved by the following: if 2 teams are tied, another
3-board match is conducted with, if A Division, the established player rotation
being followed; if 3 teams are tied, a mini round robin is conducted in which the
Captains select any 2 of his/her players to play off in 8-frame games with change
of colors after 4 frames.
E. Winners of the two top Friday Leagues (for example, currently the Navajo
and Papago leagues) must play in the A Division. Up to two additional league
winners may choose to play in the A Division, with the Zuni League having the least
priority should more than two additional league winners choose to compete in the A
F. Points will be accumulated on the basis of one point per game.
In the Spring the President of ASA District 2 shall appoint the League Committee. This committee shall be responsible for organizing and scheduling leagues and league team assignments. This committee shall meet and have all league assignments and schedules ready for presentation at the Fall District 2 Board and Leagues meeting.
This committee shall be comprised of the following members:
District 2 First Vice president,
2 team captains from the West side, and
2 team captains from the East side.
The District 2 First Vice President shall serve as Chairperson.
All committee members should be from different parks.
Prior to the Fall District 2 Board meeting, a League organizational meeting shall be held. The purpose of this meeting shall be to:
1. Disseminate information concerning league assignments and schedules.
2. Elect league presidents and vice presidents
Team Captains, or their designees if unable to attend, in each league shall meet in separate areas and elect a president and vice president for their league.
Duties of League Presidents and Vice Presidents
1. Attend all District 2 Board meetings, both president and vice president.
2. The president of a league shall maintain and update a record of match results
provided via telecom by the team captains and coordinate with the Keeper of Scores.
3. The president shall communicate information pertinent to league play to the teams in their league.
4. The vice president shall perform duties 2) and 3) above if the president is unable to perform them in a timely fashion.

Prior to initiating the league formation and team scheduling work by the League Committee, the Registrar provides a list of teams signed up for Friday or Saturday or either day along with the designated home board numbers. The desires of each team are generally adhered to except that, if needed, adjustments will be made to insure that
(1) no more than 2 teams from a park playing on the same day share a common home board and (2) the number of Friday and Saturday league candidates ensures that the number of teams per league throughout can be made as equal as possible and that no more than 8 teams be assigned to any given league. Meeting District and State play-off schedules prohibits any greater number of teams per league because it would take too many weeks to complete the league playing schedules. This is assuming no games will be scheduled on Christmas and New Year’s week-ends. To the extent possible, equalization of the number of teams in each league should be a priority in order to facilitate scheduling and also to make winning a league championship of equal difficulty in all leagues.
League organization by the League Committee will be based on the following general principles in addition to those discussed above:
1. In the interest of competitive fairness, team-by-team capabilities within a league
should be equalized (to the extent possible through organization alone).
2. For variety and enjoyment of all, league organization should reflect as much inter-
park play as possible (that is, play between teams in different parks rather than play
between teams in the same park).
The League Committee must exercise some degree of flexibility at times in applying these principles in accordance with the procedures outlined below, but in no case will 3 or more teams from the same park be assigned to the same league.
In applying these principles, the League Committee first develops a “straw man” placement of teams in leagues. As a result of iterative procedures over many years, the previous year’s assignment of teams to leagues is used to establish the hierarchy of leagues, top to bottom, in both Friday and Saturday play. An example of this assignment is shown on page 3-8 in which the top and bottom leagues for Friday are Hopi and Zuni and for Saturday are Apache and Sioux with intermediate leagues as indicated. Assuming status quo with respect to last year’s assignments and based solely on last year’s game winning percentages, the top 2 teams of each league, except for the top league on Friday and Saturday, are moved up one league. Correspondingly, the bottom two teams of each league, except for the bottom league on Friday and Saturday, will be moved down one league. Other than last year’s record, no other factors will be considered in team placement. This includes change of personnel, sickness, age, cosmetic changes in team name, etc.
The next step in the “straw man” development is to identify all of the enrolled teams for the current year’s competition on the chart reflecting promotion and demotion of last year’s line-up. Retired teams (teams that failed to enroll for the upcoming season), are then deleted. Next, teams that are switching playing days from Friday to Saturday,

or vice-versa, are assigned to leagues which represent comparable playing abilities. For example, a team in a Friday bottom league, moving to Saturday, would be moved to the bottom Saturday league. Then, teams who change names will be treated without any reordering of teams. Finally, newly created teams are added. A newly created team comprised mainly of new inexperienced players will be placed in the appropriate bottom league. The League Committee will use its judgment in the placement of newly created teams who are composed mainly of experienced players with demonstrated abilities and accomplishments.
Several more steps may be required before the League Committee can use this updated “straw man” for the current year’s league assignments. First, discrepancies of more than one team within a Friday or Saturday lineup must be corrected. For example, if the updated “straw man” reflects four 6 team leagues and one 8 team league, this must be changed to three 6 team leagues and two 7 team leagues. Next, consideration should be given to dropping, temporarily, an existing league if the current number of leagues cannot support most players expectations of games to be played during the season. For example, considering Friday play, a total 30-40 teams can be accommodated by a 5-league format, but if the number of teams on the updated “straw man” is say between 24 and 28, deletion of a league is strongly suggested. These considerations should be kept in mind when the initial team sign-ups are analyzed, particularly with those teams willing to play on either Friday or Saturday. Then, reallocations must be imposed if the revised “straw man” contains a league with more than two teams from the same park. Finally, the League Committee should at least consider some tweaking of the resulting league assignments so that the number of leagues containing two teams from the same park is minimized. The above steps potentially represent the toughest balancing act the League Committee has to perform. The previously defined general principals must be followed, even if the final league assignments reflect movement of a minimal number of teams more than one league up or down.
The development of a playing schedule for each league is rather straightforward once the league assignments are finalized by the above process. Basically, every team in a league must play every other team in the league twice, once at home and once away, once in the first half of the season and once in the second half. Byes are distributed as evenly as possible throughout. The playing schedule must be completed over a 16 week period beginning with the Friday/Saturday following the first District 2 meeting of the season at which time the assignments and schedules are distributed to all teams. Christmas and New Year weeks should be excluded in effect leaving 14 weeks to schedule matches. Any scheme can be used that provides for equal intervals between all head-to-head matches, minimizes consecutive home or away games, and accomplishes the above requirements. Page 3-9 is an example of a workable schedule. Those teams sharing boards with another team on the same day need to be operating on opposite schedules, that is, when one team is at home the other team is away or has a bye. This can be accomplished by pairing teams and giving them opposite schedules. For example, the team opposite 21 would be 22, the team opposite 53 would be 54, etc. Even if two teams are in different leagues, they can still be given opposite schedules. The teams that need opposite schedules should be scheduled first and then all other teams can be assigned numbers in vacant spots.